
Calling, connecting, and commissioning women to be a powerful force for the Kingdom of God.​

We believe that women who are equipped to live boldly for the gospel are a key to unlocking movements of the gospel in the world’s spiritually darkest places.

Through Arise, East-West helps women take action and follow the Holy Spirit to be bold and reach the lost by:

  • Calling women to live in the authority and identity given to us in Christ
  • Connecting women to each other through a mutual passion to see God move.

  • Commissioning women to be a powerful force for the Kingdom of God

Women will understand their role in the Great Commission and be equipped to go boldly together to bring the world an encounter with Jesus.

Virtues of Arise

Virtues of Arise

Virtues of Arise

Annual Report 2024 - East West Ministries

Arise Locations

Arise is a movement, coming alongside churches and women’s ministries to give them resources so every woman can take a step toward reaching their communities and the nations with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Arise is always expanding into new regions. Our footprint is in 10-plus different cities across the U.S. You can be a part of this by joining us as we go all in for Jesus! Browse the areas below to find an Arise City Leader in your area. Don’t see one close to you? Start Arise in your city by contacting us here

Arise City map of the United States of America
Arise City map of the United States of America

Arise City Leaders

To get involved in one of our Arise cities, email

Arise City Leaders

To get involved in one of our Arise cities, email

Arise - East West Ministries



Gracie Aimone

Arise City Leader | East-West Ministries



Melanie Wyckoff

Arise - East West Ministries


South Carolina

Patti Evans

Arise - East West Ministries



Laura Tinsley

Arise - East West Ministries

Dallas (English)


Julie King

Arise - East West Ministries

Dallas (Spanish)


Flora Renteria

Arise - East West Ministries



Gracie Aimone

Arise City Leader | East-West Ministries



Melanie Wyckoff

Arise - East West Ministries


South Carolina

Patti Evans

Arise - East West Ministries



Laura Tinsley

Arise - East West Ministries

Dallas (English)


Julie King

Arise - East West Ministries

Dallas (Spanish)


Flora Renteria

Arise City Leader

Fort Mead


Hannah Powers

Arise - East West Ministries

Grand Junction


Michelle Craig

Arise City Leader

Fort Mead


Hannah Powers

Arise - East West Ministries

Grand Junction


Michelle Craig

Arise - East West Ministries



Shannon Stubblefield

Arise - East West Ministries



Robin Wilson

Arise - East West Ministries

St. Louis


Demonia “Dee” Dean

Arise - East West Ministries



Becky Hurley

East West Studio Project 2



Kristin Hill

Arise - East West Ministries

Warner Robbins


Heather Senter

Arise - East West Ministries

Washington, D.C.


Lee Self

Arise - East West Ministries



Shannon Stubblefield

Arise - East West Ministries



Robin Wilson

Arise - East West Ministries

St. Louis


Demonia “Dee” Dean

Arise - East West Ministries



Becky Hurley

East West Studio Project 2



Kristin Hill

Arise - East West Ministries

Warner Robbins


Heather Senter

Arise - East West Ministries

Washington, D.C.


Lee Self

Arise Devotionals with Julie King

You can join a community of women who receive weekly encouragement from East-West’s Vice President of Arise Movement, Julie King. Sign up today to start receiving Arise devotionals sent to your inbox this Wednesday.

Short-Term Mission Teams

Spiritual confusion, poverty, and oppressive societies have long kept the gospel from advancing. But people are searching for hope.

You can journey with Arise to work with local believers and field workers to spread the gospel among the unreached. In doing so, you will experience God’s hand at work through divine appointments.

Arise Events

There are many ways to get involved with Arise, including short-term mission teams, events, Bible studies, weekly prayer calls, evangelism trainings, and more. 

Arise Events

There are many ways to get involved with Arise, including short-term mission teams, events, Bible studies, weekly prayer calls, evangelism trainings, and more. 

Arise Events

There are many ways to get involved with Arise, including short-term mission teams, events, Bible studies, weekly prayer calls, evangelism trainings, and more. 

Connect with us on Instagram

Connect with us on Instagram​

Connect with us on Instagram​

Follow us on social media to stay up to date with upcoming events, be encouraged through Scripture, and learn more about Arise.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date with upcoming events, be encouraged through Scripture, and learn more about Arise.

Follow us on social media to stay up to date with upcoming events, be encouraged through Scripture, and learn more about Arise.


Support the mission of Arise by praying and giving to fuel women in ministry around the world!

Arise Books

Arise - East West Ministries

This 31-day devotional was written through daily encounters of worship and wonder in the presence of God. It will enrapture you in a new level of intimacy and tenderness with Jesus.

Arise - East West Ministries

Este devocional de 31 días fue escrito a través de encuentros diarios de adoración y de asombro en la presencia de Dios con la finalidad de motivarte a desarrollar un nuevo nivel de intimidad y ternura entre tú y Jesús.

Arise - East West Ministries

This 40-day journey of encounters with Jesus will position you to carry the fires of revival into the greatest harvest of souls this world has ever known! Armor up, and let’s go!

Arise - East West Ministries

It’s time to follow Jesus into the harvest field and fulfill the desire of His heart. Filled with scriptural references, daily prayers, and personal testimonies of God’s wondrous power, you will be inspired to arise and go!