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Field Story: Finding Freedom in Bondage

John, an East-West missionary, had lived and served in West Africa for years, so he knew the various places that had ministry potential. One such place was the local prison. There was ample opportunity to share the gospel there, but the squalid conditions made it a less than ideal location for ministry work.

When Ibrahim, a national partner, suggested that he and John go to the prison, John had mixed emotions. But as John prayed about it, the Lord brought to mind what Jesus said in Matthew 25:36: “‘… I was in prison and you came to me.’” That next Saturday, John and Ibrahim visited the prison.

Like much of the population in West Africa, many of the men in the prison were Muslim. Yet, a group of men were waiting for John and Ibrahim when they arrived, eager to hear what they would share from God’s Word. Seeing the inmates’ willingness to learn from the Lord, John and Ibrahim made it a weekly routine to go to the prison and hold a Bible study.

One inmate seemed particularly interested in not only listening and learning but in helping his other inmates learn as well. Abou regularly sat next to John as he taught, taking diligent notes and asking insightful questions. He helped take attendance at the Bible studies and actively invited other inmates to join. Eventually, he became comfortable enough to read the Bible aloud to the rest of the study group and rejoiced when he received his first Bible. It wasn’t long before Abou professed faith in Jesus.

A few weeks later, John and Ibrahim came to the prison to baptize those who chose to follow Jesus. Abou was among the first to be baptized. Joy radiated from his face when he emerged from the water.

Today, Abou remains in bondage at the prison, but his heart has been set free in Christ. He continues to study God’s Word, teaches his fellow inmates, and looks forward to the day when he will leave prison and share the gospel with more people.

“‘So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.’” -John 8:36

Names have been changed for security purposes.


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