About East-West
About The Work
Our missionaries have surrendered their comfort to live and labor among the unreached. They spend countless hours learning the local language and culture in hopes of being used by God to see church planting movements start in these spiritually dark communities. As part of their ongoing ministry, they pray, abide in Christ, and walk by the Holy Spirit as they share the gospel, start Discovery Bible Studies, disciple new believers, and gather churches.
Due to the sensitive nature of where our missionaries serve, we do not disclose their identities online for security reasons.
Our missionaries are fully support-raised and need the generosity of other believers to sustain their ministry overseas. You can show your support of an East-West missionary today by donating to their church planting work.
As a measure of security, we do not share information about our missionaries online.
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
-Matthew 9:36-38
Are you considering moving overseas long-term? East-West has several opportunities for you to join one of our existing teams or form your own to help start gospel movements among unreached people and places.
Many of our missionaries use creative initiatives to gain access to unreached communities.
These initiatives pave the way for spiritual conversations that lead to church planting movements.
Discover what spiritual truths inspire our missionaries and national partners to give their lives for the mission of God.
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